Welcome to the Oceans Palms Clinic!
Our mission is to keep students safe, healthy and in class.
The beginning of the school year is a very busy time. Please help us to be ready to care for your student in the coming year. Here are some back to school tips for students with medical needs:
- New medical needs or alerts? Make sure the school has current medical information. Once school begins in August if you need to add anything to your student’s health record, please send in a written note (“Attention: School Nurse”) to be placed with your student’s file.
- Need to leave medication at school? Download any forms (right hand column) and bring them to your pediatrician. A parent and medical provider must sign the forms for them to be valid. Only new, unexpired medications can be accepted. The Department of Health requires that all medications to be in their original container with a readable pharmacy/consumer label. Please see our Medication Policy below for any further questions.
- Dropping off Supplies and Medication? The nurse will return to the clinic on August 9, 2021 and will begin accepting medications and paperwork during that time. It is extremely beneficial to the nurse and your student to have the necessary paperwork and medication in the clinic before the first day of school.
Important Information Regarding Medication
- All medications (prescription and over-the-counter) must have a completed Medication Authorization Form (found here) or Medical Management Form for a chronic condition
- All medications (prescription and over the counter) must have a completed Medication Authorization Form or Medical Management Form for a chronic condition.
- All medications must be brought to school by a parent/guardian and received in the original container with current Rx label (if prescribed). All over the counter medications must be unopened and in the original pack.
- No medication will be given if presented at school in a plastic bag.
- Medication brought to school by a student will be kept in the clinic until a parent/guardian comes to the school with the required paperwork. Without the required authorization, the student will not be given the medication during school hours.
- At the end of the school year, parents are responsible for picking up their child’s medication.
St. Johns County School District Medication Policy

Please contact Mary Rasavongseuk, RN with any questions.
Email: [email protected]
Clinic Phone: 904-547-3766
Clinic Fax: 904-547-3775